Friday 1 April 2011

Secret of Happy Marriage

Jakarta - A lasting marriage is not because of the ability of you and he remained a romantic and understand each other. There are other things that a recipe of a happy marriage.

Psychologist Dr. John Grohol, as reported by Your Tango revealed, if you want a relationship with the couple to stay awake, try to express gratitude or appreciation. Why is this important appreciation?

According to a study in 2005, show gratitude or appreciation to the couple so one of satisfaction in a marriage. Appreciation was also a newlywed couple more easily adjust to each other.That way, the new couple also see a couple more positive respectively. Those who expressed her gratitude on a regular basis for three weeks, their relationship becomes stronger.

In the journal Emotion, were also found to express his gratitude to make your relationship and your partner the better because that way any more and seeing your partner with a positive. How do I express the gratitude?

- Open your mind and think about what makes you feel grateful for the presence of the him.
- Express your gratitude by doing something outside of that so far you usually do, either by word or writing.
- Make things simple and simple to express your gratitude. How can cook his favorite meal or giving a massage.


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